
Cooperazione accademica

Die Außenfassade der Universität Karlsruhe.
© DAAD/Wenzel
Le università, in Germania come nel resto del mondo, intrattengono una fitta rete di contatti a livello internazionale con delle istituzioni partner. Con i suoi programmi di finanziamento istituzionali il DAAD incoraggia le università tedesche ad ampliare ulteriormente le proprie reti di contatti.

Panorama universitario e consigli per l'avviamento di cooperazioni accademiche

Gli accordi di cooperazione tra gli atenei della Germania e le università degli altri Paesi promuovono la mobilità accademica di studenti e docenti e la realizzazione di progetti di ricerca congiunti. Vi è ancora un grande potenziale per la creazione di nuove sinergie, nei più svariati ambiti disciplinari.

Studierende auf dem Gang einer Hochschule.

Programmi di finanziamento istituzionale

Qui è consultabile una panoramica dei programmi di finanziamento DAAD per le università tedesche.

Leggi di più su (in tedesco)
Hochschulmitarbeitende sehen sich Förderprogramme auf dem Laptop an.

Dialogo tra le università tedesche e sudeuropee

Il programma "Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa" ha l'obiettivo di intensificare la discussione scientifica e sociopolitica tra le università tedesche e i partner dell'Europa del Sud.

Quattro studenti seduti in un'aula che conversano.


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Annunci di università tedesche


Get a truly international education!

Are you looking to study at a German university that will launch your international career? Join us at ESB Business School for a top-tier education!


Executive M.Sc. in Energy, Mobility, Production, Product Innovation, F...

Boost your career with an industry-oriented M. Sc. in Renewable Energies, Digital Transformation, Global Production, Innovation, Finance or Mobility. Taught in English in Germany!

University of Cologne

Study in English & Tuition-Free: Master’s in Cologne

Get a globally recognised Master’s degree taught in English. Join the University of Cologne to take your career to the next level — with no tuition fees!

Coburg University (Bavaria) - Financial Management

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management!

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management with an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomberg Lab could be just right for you!


Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...

The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...


MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme

Internationally accredited MBA&E providing life science expertise required in leaders of the future combining comprehensive, industry-specific knowledge and management skills.


Boost your career with the International Master‘s in Project Managemen...

Boost your career. Acquire a German Master’s degree in Data Science & Project Management. Join us at HTW Berlin – On Campus or Online!


Apply now for the Master’s program in European and International Law (...

Boost your career now and study European & International Law together with students from more than 30 countries.


Your Future in Engineering Begins at Carl Benz School!

Your path to success starts here! Study Mechanical Engineering at Carl Benz School, KIT with English-taught courses & tailored support

TU Dortmund

Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology (M.Sc.)

Boost your engineering career by studying Manufacturing in Germany, one of the top Manufacturing nations worldwide! Apply from Feb 1st – Mar 15th at TU Dortmund University. No tuition fees.

Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics

Brighten your future with a Master’s in Optics & Photonics at KSOP

2-year M.Sc. program taught in English. Graduates excel in Ph.D. studies or industry. Apply by September 30 for intake 2023!


Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes

Study management in English. Improve your leadership skills. Gain digital know-how. Become part of an international student body. Benefit from many corporate activities, valuable career consultation a...


Study your way at Leuphana

Unlock your potential with forward-thinking study programmes at Leuphana University in Germany. Shape your future with interdisciplinary learning and global career opportunities!



Screenshot della carta geografica con indicazione del luogo in cui è presente il DAAD